Active pre-amp for “difficult” music (fusion)

Some types of music seem to have a good chance of sounding good on a variety of systems. But the jazz/rock fusion (recent recordings) I primarily listen to can be much more difficult to pull off. It is often sonically dense, and busy. There are often many overlaid, high impact, sonic layers competing within similar frequencies. Systems that would make sparse airy music by Norah Jones sound great are easily overwhelmed by fusion. It can become fatiguing, brash or garbled. I think pace, impact and clarity without brashness are more important than soundstage and microscopic detail for this music.

For the system I am building using Tekton Double Impacts and a Classe CA-2200 amp, my inclination was to use a volume controlled DAC (Burson Conductor v1, Swing or WFS DAC-2v2). But Eric Alexander has insisted that an active pre-amp is essential to properly drive a strong class AB amp that is initially class A with punch and impact.

There are many passive or buffered pre-amp recommended for neutrality (without mention of the type of music), but I suppose I’m looking for something that would desirably color the music I will be listening to. What are some active pre-amps that I should consider for this application? I’m thinking of around $1000 on the used market, but could be swayed to spend more.
I use a passive, Luminous Audio Axiom II with Walker Mod, 3 in, 2 out ( single ended ), with remote, and it is the cleanest I have had in years. Bested some excellent preamps I owned.
I’m sorry, but I don’t agree with your basic premise. Any preamp, or any other piece of gear, that FAITHFULLY reproduces “sonically dense, and busy (with) many overlaid, high impact, sonic layers competing within similar frequencies” will only make “sparse airy music by Norah Jones” sound even better. I suppose the reverse may not be true, but I would stay away from preamps that are romanticize music to that degree.
Having said all that, for your preferred music genre, I like the Pass Labs recommendation. Good luck.
older arcam and rotel preamps are nice and exciting to listen to.the arcam more real and full sounding with weight and authority the rotel more lively open freshly bright and pleasant ,very fast but not much weight or bass impact both were fun with fusion.pass labs is on another level(and also price level) 
The weak link could be the "volume controlled DAC."  That is a hard thing to pull off successfully without degrading the signal.  I am using Metrum's Adagio DAC, which controls the volume by adjusting the reference voltage so the control is outside of the signal path.  Steve Nugent does the same thing with his Empirical Audio® line of DACs.

Both of those solutions are well above your price point.  In addition, even at the relatively high cost level of the Adagio, I have found my system sounds better by running the signal from the DAC through a high quality unity-gain buffer before the amps.

If you believe you will be satisfied with the sound quality coming from the volume-controlled DAC you are considering, one option would be to add a buffer such as Tortuga Audio's tube buffer ($1,500) or the Pass B1 buffer ($-various).  Another option would be to purchase a DAC that does not control volume and then purchase a preamp that does what you want.  There is an interesting looking DIY  Transcendent Sound grounded grid preamp with a Goldpoint stepped attenuator at US Audio Mart now for $600, as just one example.  Another consideration is Tortuga Audio's new preamp ($3K) which is a combination of their LDA volume control and their tube buffer.  There are many possibilities but be aware the (non-buffered) passives such as the Luminous Audio Axiom II mentioned previously may not do what you want with respect to drive and body.  Read the passive vs. active threads here for more information about that issue.  
I love fusion. My Linear Tube Audio Micro ZOTL Preamp checks all of the boxes. The MZ2 and MZ3 are also very good preamps with fewer bell and whistles.