Best Tubes on Market today?

I'd like to upgrade tubes on my Mastersound Compact 845 SET.
I'm getting a loud buzzing noise from both channels at  listening position which I find extremely annoying.
 My current tubes are Shuguang 845C (cheap Chinese electron). Pre amp tubes are Tungsram ECC82 and driver tubes 6SN7 EH. Probably all cheap stock tubes. I Love the the sweet sound but noise level is unacceptable.  Also very audible transformer noise, but I doubt there is a fix for that. Are there other ways to minimize tube/transformer noise?

What are the most reliable aforementioned tubes out there and what is the best place to get them?
Upscale audio seems to have quite a selection. PSVANE was also recommended by some. 
 I would prefer not to spend more than $600 on 845 tubes and hoping for reliable clean sounding tubes all around.    
I also have C2600 preamp with stock tubes. Any advice on those? 
Call Andy at Vintage Tube Services.
Tell him the tonal characteristics you are looking for.
He is the best.

Here is a link to the site
"When you cook you have to marry different tastes and when you find the right associations, it puts a smile on your face." 
I am at the low end of sophistication in this, but my tube needs are limited.  Does anyone have recommendations for the two tubes that go into the PS Audio BHK Pre-Amp and BHK 300 Watt Monoblocks?

First with respect to buzzing, noise.... My ex wife used to use those plug in air fresheners.   It took me a while to trace, especially after swapping known good tubes and getting the same result.  It was a noise that mimicked a bad tube.   It was on an entirely different circuit, go figure.  

More recently, i had a buzzing in both speakers.  Low level, but irritating.  Turned out to be my Powerline 2000 ethernet over AC adapter I use for my Vault and BluRay...   I switched to a Linksys AC1200 Max wireless bridge.  Amazingly solved all noise issues.  What was strange is my preamp had the buzz in all inputs,  once I removed the ethernet cable, dead silence.

I am using JJ tubes in my Quicksilver Mid Monos and my c-j Classic 2SE and they sound great. I have used Gold Lion and they were great too but the JJ's tone in my system is superb... so good I'm afraid to touch it.

One thing I can say about the Gold Lion is that they are extremely rugged.  Their 6922 is the only tube I've used in that c-j that lasted more than a year before going noisey.  They sound great too.  I've used their 12ax7 and same thing, great tube , long lasting.