Amps I Like

Hi Everyone,
At the suggestion of an A'goner who suggested I list out things I like, as opposed to things I don't, I'm going to do that here.

Some caveats apply: This is my personal taste. The buyer should use their own tastes to determine what is good or not.

Also, I've not listened to gear long enough, or as much as I'd like. This list is not only short, but I'm going to put ++ symbols next to an amp to note how much time I've actually had to listen to them.

Sadly for me, I am not a professional reviewer, and I feel very guilty asking dealers to let me listen to gear I have no intention of buying. Please take this as one personal list of experiences, not my attempt to rate equipment for all time.

Class A:

Luxman +++
D’Agostino +
Ayre +
Audio Research integrated +
Vandersteen + ( short but man, I wish I could review for a long period! )

Class B:

Parasound A21 +++
IcePower 250 ASP +++
Rogue Integrated+
Bryston +

Items in a list are in no particular order. Treat all A the same, etc.
I should point out that the Vandersteen, while it sounded great with Vandy speakers, was bandwidth limited. No idea how it would fare full range.
Hello Erik,

     Ambitious undertaking, thank you.  A few suggestions:

1. Document the list of amps on a spreadsheet so it becomes a living document that you can update periodically as required. Reference it with a link on all future posts. 
2. Include  a "Last Updated" notation for the list so you and readers can easily comprehend how up to date the linked list actually is.

3. Include a "Notes" section/column for each amp for relevant information.

     You, I and other members will likely think of other worthy improvements as time progresses; I think it's best to anticipate improvements and plan your list format as best as you're able from the get go.

Hi Tim!!
Sadly I don't really want to treat this as a long term project, more of a one time posting. My ambitions right now are ridding myself of the excess furniture, tools and toys I have which I'm never actually going to use again.
