I have not been able to listen to the Cremona and the Cremona M in the same setting. The closest I came was comparing the original Cremona and the Cremona Auditor M side by side. Both were driven by Levinson (32 and 432 if I remember correctly.) The Cremona M and the M Auditors share the same mid range and tweeter and should have the similar sounds except in the bass. That was certainly true with the orignal Cremona and Cremona M. I posted on this comparison on an older thread. There was also a long thread from when the Cremona M came out. The original poster ended up with the original. You should read both threads, if you have not already.
Early PostSome of my observationsMy view is that the orignal Cremona is much richer in the midrange and the Cremona M is more clinical, although many poeple like the M. This is consistent with my view of the Elispa, another of the new models (after Franco left). I have read many opinions on this, but rarely do you hear that they are very similar - it is usually pretty obvious to people. It just depends on the style you like. I think your local guy my just may be being diplomatic, especially since he probably does not have the original Cremona still available. I will say that the old Cremona highs were harder to match with electronics. The M are easier to match. As an analogy, I would compare the Cremona to a good tube amp and the M to a solid state amp. For me, the two are more different than your local guy seems to say.
I really think this comes down to personal preference. Of course, you can get used Cremona cheaper than the newer M, although they do not show up used as often as they used to. I think people who have them are holding onto them.
Do some reading on these other threads. It might help.
If you even get the chance to hear the Strads, they are the epitome of the old SF sound.
Good luck.