Vinyl and Lyngdorf TDAI-3400?

Hello to all,

Anyone that listen vinyl as main source are using the Lyngdorf TDAI-3400?

Curious to know how is the Lyngdorf interaction with phono stages, if the benefits of this amp worth for vinyl listening..

Yeah, I auditioned a Lyngdorf a few years ago, too.  Naturally, I can't remember the model. I dragged my speakers and my PrimaLuna to the store, and got the guys-in-charge to conduct the comparison.  Even the salesmen thought the PrimaLuna sounded better.
I owned the Lyngdorf 2170 two times!  Really wanted to love it, but only kind of liked it at after extended time.

My biggest gripe was vinyl playback.  I tried it with a few different phono stages, and everytime same result - "clean" and "no soul".  I'm certain it is the ADC going on.

Other's will probably have different opinions, I'm sure.
That's what I imagined, is impossible the digitalization of phono signal do not affect the sound characteristics of vinyl... in a not so pleasant way...

I presume that the same applies when using DSP, and room correction? 

OK I use Lyngdorf's predecessor a TACT (Lyngdorf was a partner) 2.2x which is a digital preamp with room control, bass management and built in DAC. Everything that goes into it is digitiized to 192/24. Room control an bass management is 48 bit. The benefits are absolute control of frequency response, the best subwoofer integration, dynamic volume control ( the bass and treble sound the same no matter what volume you are listening at) and razor sharp imaging you can not get any other way because both channels have exactly the same frequency response curve irregardless of position in the room. All these benefits apply to any source including vinyl. My phono amp runs into a Benchmark ADC which is connected to the TACT. The TACT does have a built in ADC but the Benchmark is better. Vinyl sounds like vinyl except with incredible bass and better imaging. Any down side? Only psychological. I laugh to myself when I get the digital sounds like crap story.