Changed Speaker Placement NOW BOOMY


I have a bit of a problem. We bought new furniture for the living room where the stereo is and after replacing a couch, adding a chair and moving the speakers and audio rack down about 2 feet towards the corner and the speakers which where about 3 feet off the wall before are now about 14" off the wall.

I now have this unnatural sub boom and since I am using thiel 1.6 which have very little if any sub freq I can only assume its the room.

I understand that moving stuff around can do this, but its such a big change and I really dont have much room to play with.

Are there any cheap cheap cheap ways of fixing boom bass in a room.

The room is 12' X 26' with 9' ceilings.

If you look at my system pix the stereo is sorta in the same place with minor adjustments.

Any help would be super awesome.
Yes, these would be for corner traps, in an earlier post, you commented, "but I still need to take care of the corners" and yes, thin materials are useless. Are you hearing reflections from your vaulted area? Years ago, I ran Marcof Electronics/SpeakerCraft out of St. Louis, we had a dedicated listening room, the best it ever sounded was when we wrapped standard R13 fiberglass in speaker cloth (very nicely done), we did a live end/dead end room. The fiberglas was covered in brown cloth and black cloth and hung in rows, alternating the colors. Very nice room. If I tried that at home, I'd be asking Golden Ear to make room for me next to him on his porch.
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Timlub u me and most of this community I suppose lol. I really appreciate everyone trying to help. I will take some of the thoughts and act on them tonight and report back with new pix.
The golden triangle and the Sumiko/Iron chef methods are both posted here.
I recently dealt with this problem as well and unfortunately there is no easy solution if you are unable to move things around. The cheapest and best solution is to move the speakers out from the wall behind them and/or move the listening position forward/back in the room until you have an even response. In my room having the speakers 2' vs 2.5' off the wall made the difference.

I have also tried room treatment using 4" acoustic bass trap panels in combo with bass trap wedge foam. IME minor room treatment like this helps a little but in the end will not cut it unless you are willing to go all out.

Finally, other things you can try other than changing speakers are port stuffing (probably wouldn't work too well on your Thiels) or some sort of parametric EQ. If you have a highly adjustable subwoofer you can also try to adjust the phase, polarity, and cutoff such that it cancels out the offending boom from your speakers without affecting the other frequencies too much. Good luck!