What are the top 3 USB cables being used today in reference systems?

I am looking for a highly rated USB cable that stands head and shoulders above the rest. Is there such a cable?
I replaced an Audioquest Diamond USB with a Revelation Audio Labs Dual Conduit cable after extensive A/B testing (not blind). Both cables sounded great but they did sound different and I slightly preferred the RAL in my system as it had a richer sound than the AQ. To each his own on cable purchases but as a buyer I would try a few out and keep the one that sounds best in your system.
I hate to say this, because I am NOT a cable hater, but so far I haven’t been able to find anything that equals the tried and true Belkin gold series. I got mine brand new for about $12.99 delivered. It not just equaled but actually trounced the few other pricier cables I tried, although I admit I didn’t try anything that cost more than my modest streaming dac. I am considering trying the mit and/or the aq carbon, since all of my analog cabling is from those two companies, but that is more for aesthetic  reasons than anything else. The fact is, the Belkin is really all it has been cracked up to be and should be an embarrassment to all those many audiophile cables that aren’t getting usb as right as this mainstream wire manufacturer did. 
If you don’t believe in usb cable effects and differences, please don’t read this post...the FTA Final Touch Audio Callisto is exceptional and, in the cable world, not at a crazy price.
Curious makes a new USB cable and if you listen to the reviews it can walk on water the model is called evolved