Focal Utopia monitors: Diablo vs. Micro Be

I have a pair of Micro Utopia Be speakers (complemented with a REL Stentor 3 subwoofer) which I drive with an Accuphase combo, i.e. the E-550 amp together with the DP-500 cd player. I like the speakers very much and I was not really thinking of getting rid of them, nor am I feeling the need for a change/upgrade. However, an audiophile friend of mine informed me today than one of his friends is selling a pair of Focal Diablo Utopia 3 speakers for about half the retail price. Since the speakers are less than a year old this seems to be a good bargain.

I am interested to here opinions from anybody who has compare these two speakers. Are the differences so significant to justify a 5K (euros) investment?

Does anyone know of a qualified technician located in the Chicago area that could re-cap my Micro BE’s as described above by johnsonwu?

No need for a "qualified" technician. Just anyone who has quick hands and hot soldering iron and nylon tie wraps. This is not nearly as difficult as a preamp job. Carefully open the crossover panel from the back with Torx Wrench and you will see how simple it is.
Johnsonwu... Thanks for your encouragement but soldering caps on a crossover is something altogether out of my league. Hopefully someone can refer me to someone who can do this for me.

Thanks again.
