I have had any number of cables in various systems over the years; Audioquest Diamond, Mackenzie, Water, Sydney, XLO, Audience ONO, Synergistic Research Foundation, Morrow, MIT, and others which do not come to mind now.
Well, after a recent move I came across a forgotten 1m pair of Cardas Hexlink Golden 5C.
I had only briefly given the Cardas Hexlink a listen, as I bought them used quite a while ago. Initially
Initially I felt they were a bit rolled off and went with Synergistic for a while.
In the meantime I attained a new RME ADI 2 DAC. I had some time and decided to plug in the old Cardas.
I was amazed at how good they sounded. Much more "substance" or body to the music than the Synergistics, yet all the musical detail was there and the spaciousness and instrument separation seemed to simply allow the music to float in the sound stage.
Needless to say I was very impressed; thinking if this is what a 25 year old Cardas can sound like, the newer stuff must be Dynamite!
So, I ordered a pair of Cardas Golden Presence IC's. I liked them a lot. Very musical signature, similar to the Hexlink 5C's (Apparently a Cardas house sound).
Well, after around 2 weeks of listening decided to listen to the Hexlinks again.
Once again I was taken aback by the spatial characteristic of those older cables. I have decided to continue with the Cardas Hexlink Golden 5C interconnects.
They are absolutely superb! And this is from a 25 year old interconnect.