Zu Omen or Tekton Lore

Best floorstanders under $999 for low power SET amp?

Zman - read the same thread as you and therefore ordered a NAD BEE 565. My BEE is coming tomorrow. Just ordered the Lore's, actually a buddy bought them for me, yeah! It will be interesting to hear from fellow Lore owners as to what hardware and cabling choices make them sing.
I've emailed the poster of the NAD cd player to ask him to give me a in-depth review of the differances of the Sony and the NAD and he was almost stating the NAD was his favorite.
That's what prompted me to buy the NAD.
Gooddomino, email me and I'll forward you his response.
I'm sure he wont mind.
Sounds like this thread is really picking a steam!! The Almarro amp sounds awesome! The QS mini mites are working out great too. A beautiful match for the Lores. The mid range is "electrostic-like," but the biggest surprise has been this new IC and speaker cable from Q Audio! It is a twisted Milloit braid with no fillers or plastics, etc. - designed to elliminate skin effect and proximity effect. I am telling you I have never heard highs and instruments like this before! Nothing is rolled off at all. Listening to Allison Kraus & Union Station live tonight about blew me out of my chair! Gorgous sound - haha I can't believe this is an $850 speaker. You guys that have a set on order are in for a treat. Give them 150 hours break in! I am still hearing differences in over 200 hours.

I hear Zman has has a great cable too!
"Just ordered the Lore's, actually a buddy bought them for me"

If he was a real buddy he would have bought the NAD BEE 565