Zu Omen or Tekton Lore

Best floorstanders under $999 for low power SET amp?

All this talk of everyone getting their Lore's has me very anxious now. I ordered mine a little while back, but I did order them with a veneer option, so that obviously creates a delay. I ordered a pair of Fostex based Tektons from Eric about a year ago and have been super happy with them, but now I am very eagerly awaiting the Lore's! :)
Zman - review at audioreview pending... ? Would luv to hear you share. God bless!
They do have what I consider cones instead of spikes.
I put a platform under mine because the carpet and mat I am useing would not allow the cones (spikes) to go through to the floor.
That is one thing I think Eric should address on his design.