Vibrations from Both speakers at low hz , could it be the wires ?
I have a CD called Irrational, But Efficacious! by Ayre and Cardas .
I play this as break-in sound every time I've installed new components on my amp project. The CD has a track called full glide tone
that sweeps from 5hz to 20,000hz , my CS2.7s do not start to
produce sound until 1min. 4secs ( 30hz ? ) .
In the past I played this disc at listening level but the other day
I had replaced all the power capacitors so I thought that I'd
try a louder setting.
Both speakers had this vibrating noise that sounded like a metal plate
or my thoughts speaker wires touching the bass basket .
There wasn't any distortion to the sound , just this added vibration noise
that would go away as the frequency increased during the sweep .
Have any of you experienced this ?
Do any of you have any ideas about what it could be ?
I plan on e-mailing Rob for information about getting to the crossover
boards ( something that I've been working up the courage to do ) .
I'd like to thank holco for his beautiful system images that help me visualize the Xover boards .