FirstWatt J2 on its way

After much debate, I decided on a J2 and it will be here tomorrow. I’m super excited. The J2, from what I’ve read, will be a perfect match for my Zu Omen defs and BHK preamp. I’ll report back on my impressions. 
This amp is fantastic. I first listened without my subwoofer and the bass came alive. If I did not already run a sub, I probably would not need one. However, Ifavor louder bass than most. I did recalibrate sub-to a much lower volume and adjusted crossover. This is the smoothest Sound I have ever heard coming out my speakers. The amp goes way loud without any distortion. I’m using the balanced inputs. I feel i am actually hearing the true tonal character of my BHK pre. The amp is dead quiet. Sounds come out of total darkness. 
I am good for the next few years. At least in the amplifier department. 
I've now listened to the amp quite a bit over the last 24 hours. Some more observation

1. This amp is so quiet, that even the tube hiss from the pre amp is only apparent if you place ear up close to speaker. 

2. This amp is LOUD!!! I can play heavy rock and all the dynamics are there at really loud volumes. Plus, There's more volume if I need. Unless someday I move to a bigger room, I cannot seeing needing any more power with the Zu Speakers.

3. Low Volume listening sounds great. This is the biggest surprise. At one time, I used an EQ to boost low end during late night listening. Recently, I used a Roon DSP setting for such. I no longer need that now. 

4. Poor recordings sound a little better. Not shrill or brittle like my previous amp.

5. I was expecting a really hot furnace. Not at all. The amp gets warm to the touch and shelf above does as well, but not anything major. I read some saying the "amp made the room too hot" etc. Unless one listens in a closet or lives in 100 degree plus heat with no AC, I can't see how this would be an issue.

Now I need to find a way to turn the J2 on without reaching around the back each time. 
Very glad you are enjoying the new amp.

Would you mind sharing what made you decide for the J2 vs other First Watt amps? I have been looking into the J2 and SIT-2 (and also SETs, but that's a whole separate thing)
After reading various reviews and seeing a recent Nelson Pass interview where he says "The J2 is the least offensive of all his amps". Plus, the J2 has balanced inputs as well.