Zu Omen or Tekton Lore

Best floorstanders under $999 for low power SET amp?

I am driving my Lore with onix sp3 and my sources are Clearaudio concept TT and the amazing 16bit consonance cd 120 linear..I am looking for your recommendations for a new amp that can top the onix and match the Lore very well..I few speaker cables(ZU WAX,DH LABS Q10 & T14,Kimber 4tc & 8tc)for some reason the anti cable sound the best with the Tekton. I know Zmanastronomy make a similar cable and i will place an order to try them pretty soon
Come on guys, don't slow down. You guys got me started on single driver speakers. I started researching on single driver speakers and found the likes of AudioKinesis, GedLees, etc. The Tekton Uruz, AudioKinesis Jazz Modules and Zu Essence are of interest to me. Not that I have an itch to upgrade - but keeping these firms/models on my radar. The efficiency and accuracy, based on the comments interests me. I did not find many reviews on these 3 models. But it is a new area and I will keep searching - especially I have a passive preamp (TVC) in my system.
FRSDs with that big honkin' Parasound?!? (Just joking)
We're all too busy sitting around listening to music to post. Try to find a pair to listen to and you may find they work for you, too.
I have the Zu Omen and Tekton Katz Meow driven by a 2A3 SET. My review is that if you are in a small room the simplicity of single drivers makes it easy to get great sound in there. Certainly worth a try.
Maybe all the recent Tekton Lore buyers are too busy enjoying the music from their speakers to participate in the forum now.

I'm curious about their OB speaker designs. I keep missing out on the classified listings for them. Seems like as soon as they are listed members jump on them.

Also I think members here are keeping Tekton real busy. I sent them an e-mail some time ago inquiring about some older Tekton models and still haven't heard back.

The Tekton site has a pretty nice video on the front page now of a Lore speaker cabinet being made. Kind of reminds me of the Zu Audio video some time ago. Nice cinematic quality.