I am Looking for That Elusive 3 Dimensional Room Filling Soundstage

I have heard it half a dozen times at home, small room, Primaluna HP Integrated or a Rogue Atlas Magnum II and RP-1 Pre and believe it or not a pair of close to 30 year old Paradigm Export Monitors.

The experience I had, I can only describe as sitting in an aquarium when the litlle rectangular glass aquarium was filled with liquid engulfing you from all directions with no awareness of the speaker boxes...it was just perfect!

The room is approximately 12 x 13 x 9, small bedroom converted to a den!

So the question is what speakers does everyone recommend to provide the same experience?? I have a budget of $2000 for the next little babies so let’s not talk about Focal uber expensive stand mounts at $9500 thank you!

Monitor not floor standers and the Primaluna is gone, it’s all Rogue And yes, I would consider a pair of floor standers that are not to intrusive.
KEF LS50s and a pair of JL Audio D108 subwoofers.  
The point source, high polar dispersion of the LS50s will absolutely give you a 3-dimensional sound stage once they are properly positioned.  
For a large 3D stage in a small room, and under $2K, I would, hands down, would go with either little Maggnapan LRS. or the small Ohm Walsh.
Either way you would need treatment, ie. acoustic drapes or panels on the wall behind the speakers and have the speakers at least 3' from the wall behind.
At under $700.00 new, for the little Maggies, it would leave enough $ left to add a good used sub. and I can't think of a box speaker at anywhere near the price, that can make a stage as large, full and detailed as the little Maggies with a good sub, when set up properly....IMO....Jim
@pokey77  Mbl......Realy? Let us know where one might find a pr. of Mbl used, much less new for anywhere remotely close to $2,000.00 

@eag618 - OP........I have a budget of $2000 for the next little babies so let’s not talk about Focal uber expensive stand mounts at $9500 thank you! (That might also include $25K Mbls)......just says...Jim
There’s occasionally some revel f52’s that come up close to $2k tho they may overpower your room they image better than any others I’ve had up to $20k. 
Charney Audio has just released a new version of the Maestro Horn designed on the tractrix theory. The Maestro is a full range single driver design utilizing the 8" Voxativ AC 1.6 driver. All Charney Audio designs deliver wide and deep sound stage with pinpoint imaging. The Maestro measures 42"h x 15"w x 7"d and are very room friendly with minimum treatments need to achieve what your looking for.
Reach out to Charney and set up an audition.