Zu Omen or Tekton Lore

Best floorstanders under $999 for low power SET amp?

Question, what color is that driver? In some pics it looks blue and in others it looks gray. Does it not come in black?

Where do you have the crossover set for your sub? And are you using a filter to take some of the low freq loas off of the Lore driver?

On the mp3 problem, I would check with Eric. Popping or ticking suggests a tweeter problem.

Please do keep us informed on all of this.
Switched back to Itunes to try out those mp3's this afternoon, and no ticking/crackling. I was using Decibel as my player. Looks like I need to have a chat with Steve Booth about what his software might be doing. He might be able to identify the issue and include a fix in his next Decibel update.

I wouldn't say the Lores are overly bright for my taste - I'd say they're just about right, but I'm using a good combination of absorption and diffusion acoustic treatments in my room, so that probably helps a good bit.

I'm not using any filtering on the Lores in the bass dept - they're running full-range. I'm not interested in doing filter unless absolutely necessary. I have some of Ed Schilling's magic cables going from my amp outputs to the line-level inputs on my Behringer EQ, the the EQ outputs to the subwoofer line level inputs. Crossover point is about 100 hz, but that's deceiving. I have a lot of cutting in the EQ curve throughout the bass freqs, but I'm battling a healthy null around 70 hz in my room, despite good bass trapping.
I'd call the driver a slightly blueish gray. Not the perfect match with a wood veneer in my opinion, but I don't notice it as much as when they first arrived. Not really a big deal to me. I have much worse aesthetic issues in my living room than these minor issues on otherwise very fetching speakers. I did suggest to Eric he should consider grills an option, especially for wood veneers. He said he's been looking into it with an industrial engineer, and he hopes to offer a retrofit for those who already have Lores and would like grills. He didn't mention anything about timeline. Honestly, if faced with the prospect of shipping costs to and from Eric and also time without the speakers, I'd probably be fine not even going for grills. I'd sure miss the tunes while they're away.
Thanks for the crossover info. I have found that taking some of the load off my main drivers by using both a high and low pass filter really improved things. Not sure if this was due to taking the load off my main speaker amp or from taking the load off the speakers...

Worth experimenting with perhaps.

Thanks for the info and glad the mp3 problem isn't with the speaker