Switched back to Itunes to try out those mp3's this afternoon, and no ticking/crackling. I was using Decibel as my player. Looks like I need to have a chat with Steve Booth about what his software might be doing. He might be able to identify the issue and include a fix in his next Decibel update.
I wouldn't say the Lores are overly bright for my taste - I'd say they're just about right, but I'm using a good combination of absorption and diffusion acoustic treatments in my room, so that probably helps a good bit.
I'm not using any filtering on the Lores in the bass dept - they're running full-range. I'm not interested in doing filter unless absolutely necessary. I have some of Ed Schilling's magic cables going from my amp outputs to the line-level inputs on my Behringer EQ, the the EQ outputs to the subwoofer line level inputs. Crossover point is about 100 hz, but that's deceiving. I have a lot of cutting in the EQ curve throughout the bass freqs, but I'm battling a healthy null around 70 hz in my room, despite good bass trapping.