Tom and beetle
You guys are the greatest and are stimulating me to start the speaker project earlier , like after ThanksGiving .
The info you are giving me ( and all Thiel owners ) is priceless
and knowing you are willing to offer such great advise alleviates
all my anxiety .
Larger gauge in than out , I would have never of thought about that ,
at the same time Tom is saying don't increase the size .
I will start researching speaker terminals with internal mechanical connections , like a Furutech IEC connector I installed on my amp
This sounds like a good first step along
with the thicker gauge in and out .
And yes I will keep the thread posted , but the 2.7 is so new I doubt many owners are thinking about mesing with them yet .
Thank You Guys for all your help and expertise .
This is alot more fun than just plain retirement !