Zu Omen or Tekton Lore

Best floorstanders under $999 for low power SET amp?


I am thinking of moving fro Audio Nirvana 12" to the Lores. Do let us know how the two compare if/when you have a chance to compare them.
I have a Counterpoint with a Hafler preamp . I have to admit I think the pre amp is on the bright side. I just want to clarify ,, I do not think these are bad speakers , they are 850 dollar speaker , I have the bubinga finish wich really makes them so much more expensive. Eric did a great job with them . My issue is ,and I even used a 35 watt tube amp , that in my taste the bass is ,,soso, not that there is not any , just not what I thought is advertised or claimed by Eric . If I really thought they were bad , they would have been sent back by now . I have about 100 hrs of time on them so I am still hoping they improve . Any suggestions for a "less brighter" preamp,amp would be appreciated . Thanks.
Cwazz: I would call Eric and speak with him, but it would be worth a try if you want to stay SS, to try a First Watt F3 or F5 or a clone of them. They have great tone, great bass, and are just fun to listen to, but If you really want to go to the kick a** level, then try the Pass XA 30.5. Huge soundstage, great bass, great tone, and a perfect match for high efficient speakers. They pair very well with my Zu Omens and I can't imagine they would be too different for you.

Would you mind shooting me a photo of the Bubinga finish? I was considering a pair to compare to my Zu's and that is the finish I was
considering. What was the added cost for that finish?

As for the pre, you might want to get a tubed pre to bring in a little warmth and also you can roll in different tubes to suit your taste. Having been in a bright system for way too long myself, that really helped me.
Actually for improved bass response, if you are considering the FirstWatt amps, I'd go for the F1, F1J, F2 or F2J. These are current source amps, which do not work with most speakers with crossovers, but I believe will work with the type of crossover the Lore employs (check with Lore & FirstWatt to confirm this!). But an advantage of current source amps is the greater extension in the low frequencies, in addition to the ability to customize this bass response by adding resistors at your speaker inputs.

(Must resist temptation to mention damping factor....Just see my above posts on it, since I have found that this can drastically affect the speaker's bass response).
It has been almost a month now since i picked up my Lore from Eric in Orem Utah. I would love to call myself "Audiophile" but i guess i still have a lot to learn and maybe so many systems to listen to before i can call myself Audiophile.At this point i really don't see the need to listen to many systems in fact after listening to the Lore in my system i would rather be an audio lover then audiophile. Several audiogoner said it early in this forum Do not waist time and any more money and go do yourself a favor and order the LORE..What you will get with the Lore is an absolutely amazing soundstage, fullness awith tons of clarity, details and lovely focus. I used Eminent Technology a while ago and yes you get the sense of more air flowing around the notes but you will not get all the other benefits that the Lore can deliver. So many talk about comparing the Lore to other speakers Well i am glad i didn't have to compare speakers to each others and made a great decision by buying the Lore..