Zu Omen or Tekton Lore

Best floorstanders under $999 for low power SET amp?

CWazz: What was the 100 watt SS amp that you were trying to use with the Tekton Lores? I'm just curious becuase I have a re-built Hafler DH-220 that I was thinking of using with Tekton speakers. I tried using the DH-220 with an Audio Nirvana 12" FR but in a JE Labs open baffle set-up. I didn't have bass issues but I had imaging issues. Everything seemed low but I don't know if it was due to my preamp at the time or the nature of the OB set-up.

311mph: Glad to hear you got the Lores. Can't wait for the follow-up review after you break them in. I'm interested in your thoughts as the audio equipment I plan to use with Tekton speakers isn't the most expensive.

Sebrof: From a previous post I saw that 311mph was going to use a Outlaw Audio 1070 receiver to power them at first.
Outlaw 1070 integrated-
I've been very happy with it

I am thinking of moving fro Audio Nirvana 12" to the Lores. Do let us know how the two compare if/when you have a chance to compare them.
I have a Counterpoint with a Hafler preamp . I have to admit I think the pre amp is on the bright side. I just want to clarify ,, I do not think these are bad speakers , they are 850 dollar speaker , I have the bubinga finish wich really makes them so much more expensive. Eric did a great job with them . My issue is ,and I even used a 35 watt tube amp , that in my taste the bass is ,,soso, not that there is not any , just not what I thought is advertised or claimed by Eric . If I really thought they were bad , they would have been sent back by now . I have about 100 hrs of time on them so I am still hoping they improve . Any suggestions for a "less brighter" preamp,amp would be appreciated . Thanks.
Cwazz: I would call Eric and speak with him, but it would be worth a try if you want to stay SS, to try a First Watt F3 or F5 or a clone of them. They have great tone, great bass, and are just fun to listen to, but If you really want to go to the kick a** level, then try the Pass XA 30.5. Huge soundstage, great bass, great tone, and a perfect match for high efficient speakers. They pair very well with my Zu Omens and I can't imagine they would be too different for you.

Would you mind shooting me a photo of the Bubinga finish? I was considering a pair to compare to my Zu's and that is the finish I was
considering. What was the added cost for that finish?

As for the pre, you might want to get a tubed pre to bring in a little warmth and also you can roll in different tubes to suit your taste. Having been in a bright system for way too long myself, that really helped me.