Totem Acoustic Element Metal: The WOW factor!

Like most audioholics, my speaker odyssey has been a long and winding one. Von Schweikert, Audio Physic Scorpio, Dali Epicon, PBN Montana, Wilson Benesch, Dynaudio, Apogee Duetta Sigs, Totem Mani 2, Focal Electra 1037BE... you get the idea. All very good (some excellent) in their own right, but none able to keep the “bug” at bay for very long.

Having only had the Totem Metal for 2 months now, I’m hesitant to proclaim that I’m cured, but... I cannot recall being so deeply satisfied with every aspect of a speaker’s performance as I am these exquisite obelisks. These speakers are really quite like nothing I’ve had in the past; if I didn’t know better I could close my eyes and swear that I’m listening to a pair of Maggie 20.1 or big Apogees, but more dynamic! These things do percussion like nothing I’ve ever owned.

 I suspect the quickness is a product of the dual 7.5” drivers running without a crossover; a design I’ve always loved. I also do not discount that I may have stumbled upon a terrific synergy with my Pass Labs amplification; XA30.5 amp and X1 preamp running fully balanced. Incredible speed, resolution and fatigue-free DYNAMICS! I say again, wow. 

I’m not fool enough to think that the bug won’t bite again (absent a lobotomy), but I can honestly say I am flabbergasted by the Totems’ all around fatigue-free, transparent “being there” performance. If you have a chance to audition a pair in your listening environment I strongly recommend you try them. Wow.
Just came across this thread. Unbeknownst to me, I have been singing the praises of this exact pairing - Element Metals driven by an XA30.5. Using a Schiit Freya + preamp. The amp really does a nice job with these 4 ohm speakers. Agreed, percussion is fantastic. 
Per V. Bruzzeze of Totem, the Element series indeed employs the Torrent driver without a (conventional) crossover. The witchy magnetic motor assembly somehow accomplishes the frequency modulation.
Before (even before the Totem Metal) I always thought that "no xover" means exactly that "no xover", but now thinking of it, I realize that there is still xover even if the xover is in the magnetic element itself (at least based on Totem’s claim). It will invariably involve the losses of the electrical energy. You either do it by using an external inductor or by using the magnet. So the question is why energy losses using the magnet is less bad than by using an inductor? I suspect a lot of inductors, especially the garden variety type, have parasitic excessive high resistance and capacitance that retard the transient. I guess if you’re using quality inductors, it should be close to no xover as in the Totem Metal. Also, I also suspect the Totem Metal driver magnetic design also suffer from resistive losses but probably not to the same degree as an external inductor.

Another variable to consider is that speaker uses 1st order filter and it is true that there is some magic in the first order and one has to listen to it to understand why.

And of course V. Bruzzeze is a very good designer so he knows how to design a good pair of speaker and the "no xover" part is only a small percentage of why the speakers are good.

Also something to keep in mind is that the problem with xover is NOT because of the losses since because it is its job to create losses.  BUT it's the parasitic losses that is the problem.  So if you design a driver that meant for NO xover, but the driver itself has a lot of parasitic losses it would be just as bad as using external xovers.
I was thinking about the driver design and it may be as simple as extra winding on the motor inductor coil.  Basically you need a way to control the frequency response of the driver.  If you break down a driver, here are all the possible components in which you can/or cannot modify:

1. The driver diaphragm
2. The driver rubber surround
3. The driver spider
4. The driver motor magnet
5. The driver motor inductor winding

Of the five elements above, the only realistic components that can be modified for frequency response is either the motor magnet or the motor inductor winding.  

As for the motor magnet, I think it would be very difficult.  Although every magnet response will be frequency dependent, to engineer it to have the exact frequency profile you want would be very difficult and expensive.

So the likely option would be number 5 since it would be easy to optimize the inductor winding to the exact frequency response you want, so it is in effect of moving the external inductor from outside xover to internal of the driver.

Anyway, that's just my guess.
So the tweeter of course does have a xover or it would fry from temperature. The woofers do not. 
I heard them last week and was blown away. Blisteringly fast and accurate.