FirstWatt J2 on its way

After much debate, I decided on a J2 and it will be here tomorrow. I’m super excited. The J2, from what I’ve read, will be a perfect match for my Zu Omen defs and BHK preamp. I’ll report back on my impressions. 
Very glad you are enjoying the new amp.

Would you mind sharing what made you decide for the J2 vs other First Watt amps? I have been looking into the J2 and SIT-2 (and also SETs, but that's a whole separate thing)
After reading various reviews and seeing a recent Nelson Pass interview where he says "The J2 is the least offensive of all his amps". Plus, the J2 has balanced inputs as well.
@aberyclark, Out of curiosity are you running any subwoofers with your Zu Omen DEF's?
Yes. I am running one sub (with Anti Mode sub calibrater) and will be switching to two eventually. The bass, however, sounds much deeper with the J2 (with sub off) vs my previous NuForce amp. I had to turn the sub level down a little bit and adjust the crossover setting to compensate for the deeper bass. 
What amps have you used previously with your Zu Omen DEF's?
I only ask because I have a pair of OMEN MK.II's that I run with Allnic T-1500 Integrated 300B, ConradJohnson Classic Sixty SE or a Luxman 590 AXII and have wondered what the difference in music would be with the J2?