Amp for focal 1038be?


First time poster and I have really enjoyed all the great advice on this forum. I recently purchased two new Focal 1038B main speakers. I know I need to look at the entire signal chain but I want to focus on getting a better amp that is more 3-D holographic, detailed, warmth, airy..

Signal Chain:
Node 2i streamer
Schmitt Vahalla 2 with gold loin drivers
Onkyo avr with xt32 Audyssey room correction (stereo mode 2.1)
Emotiva A300 to Focal speakers
Room is well treated

I don’t want to break the bank but here are a few of my top considerations: used or new

primaluna evo 400 amp in stereo (later add another for monoblock)
primaluna dialogue 6 or 7 monoblock (70wpc)
Mcintosh MC275 (70wpc or 150wpc monoblock). Only by one for now.
Pass Labs x250.5 - team a pass labs recommended this for focal 1038be to add warmth to the top end.

The speakers are highly sensitive 93db at 8 ohms. I do plan to audition as many of these as I can but welcome any recommendations. Appreciate anyone’s advice or opinion on which amps to focus on.


Thank you for all the information and verdantaudio for power and distance calculations.

With that said I have heard others mention luxman 590 a2 integrated  30w class A as a good combination with the 1038be.   Anyone have an opinion?

You listed the Prima luna’s being considered.

If you’re thinking the amps AND the pre with the 1038’s, I’ve heard that combination many times. Very nice and you could have many choices of tubes to fine tune to your ears. I’ve heard the Mac also, which was nice also, but it doesn’t have the features/flexibility of the PL. I would go PL for the value, over the Mac, if sound/build value is paramount. The green lights are a little much for my tastes.

The Dialogue 6/7 is 2 iterations old. You must mean the Dialogue Premium, which is the previous before the EVO series.

You’re aware it’s subjective, so probably all the suggestions will work with the Focals, and your ears are the only judge.
Agree with Verdantaudio

If you're looking for 3d holographic sound you must go with a tube amp. 
It doesn't have to be an 845 tube. For ultimate realism a SET would be best, but prices increase exponentially with increased power. Of all the amps listed you'll probably get the best sound from MC275. Mac will also hold its value better than primaluna.  
Amp for focal 1038be?
These speakers have a difficult load for an amp, they don’t need a lot of watts as they are 90db, 80w will do, but they do need an amp with decent b***s (current) into low impedances.

The combination of nearly 50 degrees -phase angle, and being down to 3ohms in the bass area, really means you should look for amps that are totally stable and won’t break a sweat to see 2ohm loads.

Look at Stereophile’s bench tests on hundreds of amps to see which ones in the measurement bench tests are able to take the two ohms loads with having a hissy fit.

I’ve had 1038 BE2’s for approx. three years.  I began by powering them with Odyssey Audio 160w per channel Cyclops, moved on to Pass Labs x250.5 paired with Pass XP-10.  Within three months both were traded in for x250.8 amp and XP-20 Pre.  Marked improvement with each upgrade (especially from the Odyssey to the Pass brand) I highly recommended the x250.  If you can’t afford the .8 go with the 5.

👍 This is the way the OP should be looking.

Cheers George