Trying to find someone with a cable cooker in Metro NY

Hello to all...

Have recently been 'exposed' to the concept of cable cooking to improve performance, but would like to pay someone who has one, to do it to my interconnects and speaker cables, each for a 3 day (72 hr) treatment... Would be nice if you are in the Metro NY area, but would be willing to ship to you if out of area.

Would also like to hear from someone with comparative experience (geoffkait?) in using this and/or cryogenic treatment: if results are different, one more effective than the other,  one more lasting than the other, must treatment be redone periodically?

Please relate real-life info ( don't be a second level whistleblower, passing relayed to you experiences...).

Best Wishes to all.
Just send me all your cables and $500 and I'll bathe them in himalayan salt, freeze them to -10c during the next full moon and send them back. Guaranteed to give you your money's worth. 
" Just send me all your cables and $500 and I'll bathe them in himalayan salt, freeze them to -10c during the next full moon and send them back. Guaranteed to give you your money's worth. "
 NO wait, send them to me and I will do that and send them back in an embossed gold lame box. For an extra $500 I will personalize your gold lame box with your name and date of birth of your super audio conductors!!!
Skeptics have a long history of humor. 🤡

There’s a skeptic born every second who dreams of being somebody. 
OK, who’s going to step up and get his/her audio cables cryo’d in a liquid hydrogen cryo cooler? If -300 F (nitrogen) is real good wouldn’t -423 F be a whole lot better? 🥶