Stylus-Drag..Fact or Fiction?

Most audiophiles can't seem to believe that a tiny stylus tracking the record groove on a heavy platter could possibly 'slow-down' the rotating speed of a turntable.
I must admit that proving this 'visually' or scientifically has been somewhat difficult until Sutherland brought out the Timeline.
The Timeline sits over the spindle of the rotating disc and flashes a laser signal at precisely the correct timing for either 33.33rpm or 45rpm.
By projecting these 'flashes' onto a nearby wall (with a marker attached) can visualise in real-time, whether the platter is 'speed-perfect' (hitting the mark at every revolution), losing speed (moving to the left of the mark) or gaining speed (moving to the right of the mark).

Watch here how the laser hits the mark each revolution until the stylus hits the groove and it instantly starts losing speed (moving to the left).
You can track its movement once it leaves the wall by seeing it on the Copperhead Tonearm.
Watch how it then speeds up when the tonearms are removed one by one....and then again, loses speed as the arms are dropped.

Watch here how the laser is 'spot-on' each revolution with a single stylus in the groove and then loses speed as each additional stylus is added.
Then observe how....with NO styli in the groove.....the speed increases with each revolution (laser moves to the right) until it 'hits' the mark and then continues moving to the right until it has passed the mark.

Here is the 35 year-old Direct Drive Victor TT-81 turntable (with Bi-Directional Servo Control) undergoing the same examination:-
Is this audible? maybe. What this wonderful hobby has taught me is that pretty much everything is audible, at least in the analogue world where I live.

Hi Richard 
Based on my personal experiences with the Goldilocks adventure, room dimensions,and specifically, the narrow rectangle  - shooting down the short wall, and the type of pickup tonearm/cart used, has "very much" to do with how much is "audible" 8^0

Dear friends: I would like to know if each single LP was recorded/cutted at exactly/accurated 33.333..rpm and if for any reasons exist tiny deviations from 33.333..rpm accuracy why or how can we or not detected through an accurate TT that spins at exactly 33.333...rpm during play time of LPs? 

I think that some one can put some light about.

 The stylus-drag is a fact and can be fixed but those tiny differences in speed/pitch always comes by speed non-accurated TTs or by the LP it self?

Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,

Phoenix, Thank you for embellishing on my response to Atma-sphere re my point that operating a motor with 3-phase AC synchronicity does not per se eliminate cogging.  I am a rank amateur on this subject with only a good college level background in physics (and a lifelong habit of thinking like a scientist).  But I was a bit puzzled by your statement: "A 24 pole motor turns at half the speed of 12 pole motor so the frequency of the cogs is identical in both (120Hz)."  In a direct-drive turntable, doesn't the motor have to turn at 33.3333 rpm, regardless of the number of poles?  And therefore might there not be a theoretical advantage to having double the number of poles?

Oh, and thanks for clearing up the many ambiguous on-line websites that don't come right out and say that coreless motors are free of cogging.  It makes perfect sense (and I think I hear the benefits), but you'd be surprised at how poorly this subject is addressed and explained. (Or maybe you wouldn't be surprised.)
Raul raises a good point. How accurately are the various cutting lathes spinning? This is a whole different topic. 

It does lead nicely into long term average speed accuracy....
There is a trend to show how incredibly accurate peoples DD TTs run, posting videos using the timeline over extended runs. This is a great demonstration of how accurately a TT's long term speed control can be.

But how important is an average 33.3333333 rpm?
Lets say TT1 runs at an average 33.333 and TT2 runs at an average 33.334. A 1000hz tone cut accurately at 33.333 would of course be played back at 1000hz on TT1, but it would be higher on TT2 at 1000.03hz.
I don't claim to be able to hear this difference. 

What I think is important is the TTs dynamic speed accuracy. How does it behave under a varying load. I believe that we are sensitive to real time changes in pitch. But do not hear them as such. Halcro describes the Raven as being more relaxed than the Victor. This general description pretty much covers many BD/DD comparisons. Clearly we are hearing differences but not describing these in terms of pitch. We  use different descriptors.. 

The timeline only tells us how long it takes for the platter to make one rotation. Confirming, or not, that it took 1.8 seconds at its 33.33 setting. That is, was its average speed 33.33 or not.  It does not tell us anything about what happened to the platters dynamic speed during that rotation. 

Yeah, yeah, the platters inertia will save you, I don't think so. There are no free lunches.  


Many thanks for the input of which I completely concur.

I couldn't resist!  
Dear @richardkrebs  :  "   This is a whole different topic. ", yes diferent but with direct relationship with " audible "/or not speed deviations that we " charge  " to the TT culprit when maybe not always came from the speed unstability in the TT.

Perhaps we need a recording engineering to answer the question, that I remember in this moment Atmasphere has enough experience about and maybe he could chime here on it.

In the other side:  "  TTs dynamic speed accuracy. """ M.Lavigne posted about " steady " as the critical issue and yes this is the main subject with any TT.

In your example if both TTs are " steady " we can't be able to detect it and maybe we can't even if not steady because speed difference is so tiny.
