Phono cartridge suggestions sought

Hi All,

 I am in the market for a new phono cartridge. I can run up to $1400 but would prefer not to if i can get the performance I want. 

I listen to predominantly Jazz on vinyl, though some rock, folk and classical also gets spun

I recently heard a Hana SL and Rega Apheta at a dealers—different decks, same room and system. Both sounded good although the Apheta was not as heavy sounding and at the same time sounded more “present”. I wasn’t really looking at the Apheta, but it was available to listen to. 

The room is accoustically live with lots of glass and hard surfaces but all sounds good. 

System: Naim Atom, Bryston TT, Parasound JC jr phono stage (so huge loading flexibility and gain up to the 60’s), Totem Acoustics Signature Ones, Transparent cables. Current cart: Denon 103r with 250 hours on it, so it is winding down. 

I have enjoyed the Denon. But wondering about that all elusive “more.”

on paper spec, nobody touches the Grados for channel separation, but not sure how essential a criterion that should be. Especially since I worked hard to tame some RFI from a nearby antenna and the Grados I have heard said are not well-shielded. 

Since my Totems only drop down to 45 Hz, I suppose absolute resolution on the low end could be sacrificed for other sonic goods. 

Ok, hive mind, what do you suggest?
Hi everyone. So I finally pulled the plug. Got a Dynavector 20x2H. My dealer had a demo one with 150 hours on it. Would have preferred the LO, but at $5 bills I couldn’t turn it down. Spent an hour getting it aligned just so. So far, I have only had a chance to listen to Sonny Rollins “A Night at the Village Vanguard.” John Lewis on keys, connie Kay on druns, etc. 
The alto sax and cymbals are two real stand outs. Amazing decay on the cymbals, and the timbre on the sax is luscious. 

Music is fuller and more present without being forward at al. It will be interesting getting to know this microline sweetie. 
@dramatictenor.   Congrats. on your choice.  I am on my second iteration of the very same cartridge.  I think of it is a very honest sounding cart. as it seems to play fairly with all frequencies in the spectrum and reproduces dynamic swing in a very natural way.  Be sure you have it aligned exactly!  The microcline stylus is very fussy about setup. It is worth seeking out a specialist with the equipment to set it up exactly.  Pay him/her a reasonable fee and relax and enjoy the music.  Happy vinyling.
Hey Drama, You have some of my favorite speakers, the Totems are super revealing as long as things up stream are very good as well. Having said that I would highly consider a Dynavector 20X2, I know its expensive but rather than fiddle around with your old 103, and seeing as you have a very capable phono stage why not give your system what it really needs, a cartridge like the Dynavector 20X2L would add details, dynamics and colors, as well as beauty of tone that the 103 is not going to bring to light.

Matt M
@hifiman5, I have a feickart protractor, a vtf scale, and a fastidious nature. I am sure there are always additional levels of dialing things in, but part of my own goal—particularly as someone who wants to slowly build a small cartridge fleet, is to be able to properly align a cartridge in the 7 variables i have identified (cartridge shell alignment/cantilever alignment, azimuth, vtf, vta, overhang, screw torque, geometry). I will have to trust my ears, but I am open to suggestions and ideas for best set-up procedures.

Have you used Michael Fremer’s dvd? I dont have that and am wondering if it is worthwhile or adds on to the other excellent information available.