Zu Omen or Tekton Lore

Best floorstanders under $999 for low power SET amp?

Cwazz - boy your post is just a but sarcastic, is it not? Where is the resentment coming from? You sound like I moved from a Tekton to a different type of speaker... I simply moved up the line... similar sonics just more of everything.

Also, here's another tip for you: the upgrade was funded by a 95% return on my Lores, and a 50% downgrade on my amp... and it worked out just as planned - a very nice improvement indeed.

Take notes my friend... it's not about what you have or can afford, it's about what you can do w/ what you have to get what you are looking for... ; )

I am a motivated person in everything I do, and where this is a will, there is always a way. Time for you to stop the "woe is me I listened to someone's advice and bought the wrong speaker", and take our suggestions about changing your front end. Your posts do not bear fruit and you seem to ignore any help and instead post sarcasm. Please do not hold me to such high standards.
Adcom???please . IAny ways Ii stand by what I say , priny\t in here . Cpapace just read all the post and you should get the idea where I am coming from .Gpower , good luck in your qeust , whatever that maybe .
Yeah, I've been trying to give Cwazz every benefit of the doubt, but at this point I'm just not sure he's really interested in seeking the solution to his issues.

Despite this, let me share an experience I had toying around the other week. I had found that speaker placement mattered essentially in getting enough bass response for me with the Lores. I have an Ampino, which has volume control, but was also using a preamp/buffer. I thought I would experiment with just using the amp and eliminate the preamp.

I found that details were somewhat enhanced, and greater air, but to the detriment of full-bodied instrument sounds, and most importantly, BASS!! Putting the preamp back in there brought back the bass extension, musical drive, while only modestly reducing detail and air by the slightest bit. In fact, I am not so sure it was not simply the psycho-acoustic effects of more bass energy that I was hearing and not actual reduction in detail.

Cwazz, and everyone else, having the right mating of electronics and speakers is ESSENTIAL when you have high expectations and you're playing with this level of speaker quality.
I think the Lore's will be a great fit for my system. I'm currently using highly modified Lascala's with an NOS Valves 45ST amp using KT88s and a Juicy Music Blueberry Extreme preamp.

This system should be a match made in heaven for the Lore's. I just hope it isn't a step down since I've put a lot of work to get it where it's at now.

My reason for switching is to get a little more forgiving speaker for lower quality recordings. The Lascala's are very revealing with said recordings, but they sound heavenly with quality recordings.

I just want to utilize a greater portion of my collection.