Considering Harbeth C 7ES-3

I am considering purchasing Harbeth C 7ES-3s. Have PSAudio Stellar amp and preamp. I would appreciate thoughts on sound quality and character. I listen to everything except heavy metal/ thrash. Are there other speakers I should consider in their price range? @$4000.
Harbeth doesnt lack treble at all. I actually ended up selling the Shl5+ cause I found them slightly too present in the treble. but this is really my own personal taste, they were not bright, but definitely not dark either.

The 30.2 treble is more to my taste however and the Harbeth ill likely buy next
If your listening space is at least 200 ft sq,  jump on this incredible deal:

This is a steal of a price for one of the best speakers I've heard anywhere. The midrange is incredible. 
I love my Harbeth C7es3.    They paired fantastic with McIntosh.   Great detail and not fatiguing!   
I also listen to everything accept heavy metal/thrash or rap!   The harbeth speakers shine for live concerts and studio!