Am I the only one who doesn’t love Harbeth P3esr?

I purchased a pair of P3’s a month ago based on their
uniformly rave reviews online. I have tried them with 
3 different amps, in two different rooms, and with and without a sub, and am just not overly impressed,
using a variety of music. Maybe my expectations were too high, but I expected more OMG moments.
They certainly aren’t bad. Very detailed. But to me they sound bright which I never expected. And I just can’t get them to sound really good.
I have other speakers I gravitate to for listening sessions- KEF LS 50 and Klipsch RP 600ms.

Maybe try the ProAc 10 Tablette or Signature version if you can demo them. I heard a shootout between the "plain" 10 and Harbeth and hands down the Proac was more to my liking. More detail, treble, airy highs. (Im not a fan of bass)
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Obviously everyone hears differently, but I'm also surprised about the difference from the KEFs as well.  Have you tried lowering/raising the speakers a little to keep the tweeters on the same axis as you do with the KEFs and Klipschs?