Most annoying song, period.

Sorry if I'm replicating a thread.    I've been wanting to say this for years:  Rick Astley - Never gonna give you up.  What's yours?
Yikes!!   One of my favorite songs (or favorite bands really) happens to be on this list as another person’s most annoying.   Can’t say which one, else I’d never hear the end of it from all of you fine fellow audiophiles.    Just goes to show, you can’t account for individual tastes I guess...
I know what you mean--i was stunned to see the Live version of Hotel California listed--then i wondered which live version?  Surely it can't be the one on Hell Freezes Over--i use that one to demo speakers !  If it is the one he/she's talking about--well, to each his own...
I don't take this very seriously. I disagree with several myself. I'm certainly not going to spend my time arguing over it.
Miracles - Jefferson "Starship".  Every time I hear that song I want to barf, thinking about how a great, indeed, revolutionary band, could sink so low.