Best $250 max phono Cart

G'day mates -

I'm loaning a friend my old turntable/amp (Nottingham Analogue Horizon, Rega tonearm, Rega Brio integrated amp with built-in phono).  He'll need to purchase a cartridge but does not want to spend more than $250.   He'll be listening to mostly rock & pop 60's-90's.  I also have an Auditorium 23 SUT intended for the Denon 103, but that $350 for a new Denon 103 price tag is too steep for him.  I see the Audio-Technica VM540ML ($249) as a top seller on Needle Doctor, but I have not heard it.  I'm curious if you have recommendations at this price range? Or, should I just tell him to bite the bullet and get a denon 103/R? Thanks in advance!
I would Highly recommend the Ortofon 2M Blue $236 on Needle Doctor. With this MM cartridge it will sound great on a Rega arm and no step up transformer needed, just feed it right into your amps phono input. The Denon 103 is not a good match for the Rega arm, The 103’s need a heavier/larger arm to have optimal compliance.

Matt M
I’d look at LP Gear instead and the Audio-Technica VM540ML @ $249. A fine match with the Rega arm and an altogether better cartridge than the 2M Blue in my subjective opinion.

They do, however, also sell the Blue for $210.
I have an AT VM750 at $400 and don't think it's all that great for rock. Look at the Nagaoka MP150 instead.
Thanks for the recommendations mattmiller agrippa noromance! I watched some cart shootouts on youtube from HiViNyws (Ian in Singapore), the Nagaoka MP-150 (~$300) sounds great, I agree with the few videos I watched that it outclassed at least the Hana EL but might be a little too $$. Funny story, I have a Well Tempered Labs TLC MM cartridge on my Amadeus, which is modeled after the Nagaoka MP-150.  Searching at the $100 level, I'm read that The Vessel A3SE ($99) is worth consideration. anyone have experience with the Vessel A3SE?  Whichever way he ends up going it will be fine, there are some really great choices available.
Like some other Audio-Technica moving magnet cartridges the VM540ML has a low recommended load capacitance range, in this case 100 to 200 pf. And the phono input of your amp has a higher than average input capacitance of 220 pf, while the phono cable, tonearm wiring, and connectors will probably add something like 150 pf or perhaps even 200 pf to that. So I would not recommend that cartridge for this application.

I suspect the total load capacitance would NOT be far enough above the 2M Blue’s recommended load capacitance range of 150 to 300 pf to be a significant issue. Not sure about the Nagaoka, for which I couldn’t find a load capacitance recommendation.

Good luck.  Regards,
-- Al