To Fuse or Not to Fuse... That is the question!

Ok.. I think I understand that no fuse is better than a cheap fuse. And a good fuse is better than a cheap fuse. But is no fuse better than the best fuse?

One person on Audiogon said that he achieved better sound by using a Blue fuse over no fuse. I guess my question is... Do these new, high dollar fuses just allow the current to flow better with solid protection or do they actually due to quantum physics or something, actually improve upon the signal by eliminating errant bad electrons and thereby actually improving the music over no fuse at all?

I gots to know!

A fuse is a protective device. Bypassing opens you to damaging your equipment-perhaps completely.
I would only use a fuse that has UL certification, regardless of how positively it changes the sound characteristics. 

How would a manufacturer reply if you said:
'I bypassed the fuse and fried my equipment'
' I used the new Purple fuse, but it didn't protect my equipment'
Would you expect them to repair the damage?

Again, to the mods please move this toxic **** to the Misc Audio forum where all the other were moved too. Before it festers any more.

Cheers George

Hey George, so far there hasn't been much toxicity. It will be over soon enough. I am asking an honest question. For the amount of $$$ it would take to install Blue or Orange Fuses, I could replace both of my old amps. I have been running them trouble free for 30 years and am not really overly concerned if I fry one. 

Even though it would only be my set of ears against the world, I just may try using solid copper wire and then trying out the Blue's.

Fortunately, the smoke detector is only a few feet away!

Cheers Michael
Nobody should be suggesting anyone bypass the fuse. Even if it sounded better, which it almost certainly does. If you wanna bump in sound cheap get an inexpensive audiophile fuse, they abound. Or, if you’re really cheap try reversing your current piece of crap fuse. You might be surprised. Especially if you have a lot of them. Don’t pay any mind to George, he’s our friendly Toxic Avenger. 🤡
Oh, the irony. If you get the meaning. Of didactic, I mean.

Forget the wire. When I said you will have a hard time I was being generous. You will in no way ever find a wire that will sound even anywhere near as good as a Blue Quantum Fuse. Let alone Orange. As whacky unlikely as it seems, they are only expensive compared to the ten cent fuse. For the improvement in sound you get compared to other components they are a bargain.

Maybe- "maybe" - you will find a wire that sounds better than your stock crappy factory fuse. Problem then, what's the value? Me personally, could hardly care less. But then I understand enough about components and electricity to know fuses don't work the way the fraidy cats imagine. Rather than explain, a lot easier to just say any time you see the writer using "UL" as justification you can safely disregard whatever comes after. They are worse than clueless.

And the $2700? This is what we call a "straw man" ie fake argument, ie nonsense. No one requires you buy one for everything all at once. Of course if you do, you will be amazed. It will be like putting new high end power cords on everything. Or if not no worries, money back guarantee.

But you don't have to do 16 all at once. I would start with just two. Orange. I would look at all my component fuse requirements, pick the highest value, double it, and order that. Then when they come I would try them in every position. Two in the preamp. One in each amp. Move the one in each amp to each location. Almost at this point want to think you're trolling, that no one could possibly be bone dense enough to build an amp with SEVEN fuses, but then again there's a lot of nutty design theories and even more gullible audiophiles out there seem to think the more Rube Goldberg the better. Whatever. Beside the point: Try em and see.

Until you do you will never know just how amazing they are.