To Fuse or Not to Fuse... That is the question!

Ok.. I think I understand that no fuse is better than a cheap fuse. And a good fuse is better than a cheap fuse. But is no fuse better than the best fuse?

One person on Audiogon said that he achieved better sound by using a Blue fuse over no fuse. I guess my question is... Do these new, high dollar fuses just allow the current to flow better with solid protection or do they actually due to quantum physics or something, actually improve upon the signal by eliminating errant bad electrons and thereby actually improving the music over no fuse at all?

I gots to know!

   WOW. This subject has been tossed around these forums and, every once in a while, it resurfaces. So many opinions about fuses, wire, and everything else.
   My neighbor builds a deck exactly like mine. But, he stains it differently. Same deck. He likes his and I like mine. Nobody can convince you that what he does is better than what you have done as long as you've convinced yourself you have done better.
   So many "scientists" on these forums. Take note of the response just before mine! If I pleaded with my wife to agree to the expense of an audio upgrade, whether beneficial or not, she would agree that it was a good choice to make me happy with my decision.
  There's no end to this discussion.

I thought AC changed directions 60 times a second?
You are correct, everything else you posted up is pure BS, show us a link to where you seen this c**p.

Cheers George
I just want to weigh in.  Clearly, everything - totally everything -- degrades sound It starts at X and goes downhill Maybe a little, maybe a lot.  Fact.
Now, i avoided fuses for ages. They were a needless distortion.  And by definition a poor wire (just look at most of them, i have no idea about blue fuses).  but here's what i have learned over the past several years, when i NEEDED fuses,a a designer who put dicey prototype equipment in  very expensive and revealing system.
They are a pretty modest distortion.  Hate to say it, but ditto the wires that i run from my in-series fuse box ( that can portably protect anything).  Is no fuse better? Probably.  definitely in theory. But does it matter nearly as much as 100 things I can do to improve sound from cleaning contacts to tightening connections to providing cleaner AC power?  Not eve close. So worry about the big stuff, and dont fret the small stuff. And fuses just might save you from doing $1000s of damage.
really - its vastly smaller than you may think.
I will consider ceramic fuses (good suggestions whoever made it) which are known to be better in most ways.  But then, i cant get 5 more at the home depot....
Juts for the record, if i cannot repeatably hear it and have another listener corroborate it, i dismiss any result.