That's the problem I have. I live in rural Wyoming. The closest audio stores are about 5 hours away in Denver. I've built an entire audio system by reading audio reviews or recommendations, making a short list, and trying to listen to some of those components at dealers or audio shows. Then I try to purchase items I'm interested in, either as used or dealer demos. I might bring in three DACs or amplifiers, listen to them in my own system for a month or two, and keep the components I love. I can usually resell the rest and not get stung too badly. I'm a little afraid of moving turntables around, as they seem more delicate than other gear.
That's the problem I have. I live in rural Wyoming. The closest audio stores are about 5 hours away in Denver. I've built an entire audio system by reading audio reviews or recommendations, making a short list, and trying to listen to some of those components at dealers or audio shows. Then I try to purchase items I'm interested in, either as used or dealer demos. I might bring in three DACs or amplifiers, listen to them in my own system for a month or two, and keep the components I love. I can usually resell the rest and not get stung too badly. I'm a little afraid of moving turntables around, as they seem more delicate than other gear.