Zu Omen or Tekton Lore

Best floorstanders under $999 for low power SET amp?

Going for round two Gpowered?
I'm interested to hear your thoughts again on the new setup. Will you be comparing them to the current set of speakers you have?
Well I just hooked the Lores up and am breaking them in. They definitely need a good break in as they just have around 20 hours........

The comparison with the Omen Defs may not be so fair though....as the Defs feature the HO Driver, Mundorf cap upgrades, and upgraded cabling inside........which are all upgrades over the standard Defs.......and therefore retail at about 4x the Lores, but I like what I am hearing so far.....

Are there any special placement considerations? They seem pretty
simple to place...anyone with pointers?
As far as placement, no unusual considerations. They set up pretty well in a normal EQ triangle, toed just slightly out from directly at the listener where you can just barely see the inner side of the cabinet. Nothing like Omens where the height is so important, etc.
Pwrjam – No problem – stay tuned! I am planning to break them in on my Marsh A400S (200w). It is the best solid state amp I've had thus far (prev. best I owned was between a Naim Nait XS or a Bryston 4BST). A tried an Adcom with my 1st set of pendragons, but I was disappointed with that match. It will be interesting to see what the Marsh does. I also still have my Xindak MT-1 as it has not sold, but if it does sell, I am looking to acquire another tube amp with 40-50 watts... or maybe another set of Quicksilver Mini's. I am open there and the Xindak is fine for the short run.

And also... yes, I will be comparing the Pens to these Greybeards, which by the way, are just really something special as well. I am really enjoying them while waiting for my new Pens to be built. If they sell, they sell... but keeping the them isn’t a bad idea either because I will likely never be able to afford a speaker with this level of build quality... it sure makes a difference in their abililiy to disappear and no “boxiness” at all.

Oh, and btw - per your question a while back, my room is about 18x17 where the speakers are, but in the back of the room the 17ft expands to about 22ft. I can only sit about 6.5ft from the speakers though because I am in a loft and I have a stairway behind me and the back wall behind that. I have plenty of cubic volume overall to work with... so we’ll see what happens.
Gpowered-Did you use the the 4 ohm or 8 ohm tap with the Xindak and the Pendragons? I wasn't aware they were 4 ohm speakers until 3 weeks after I placed the order. TIA.