Dynaudio Contour 30 vs Confidence C2 comparisons

Hey all, first time poster long time browser.

I currently own Dynaudio C1 platinum for the L/R fronts (midsized room), and I'm looking to get a bit fuller sound top to bottom from the larger floor standing models... ie the C2 or Contour 30. I have no means to audition either, but I know I absolutely love my C1s. Just interested in any opinions from people that have heard either/both of these models. I THINK I know what to expect with the C2, but with the contour line being remade and bumped up in price has me intrigued. I absolutely love the clean looks of the Contour 30, but I worry I'd be taking a step back from Confidence. I also have been hearing murmuring of an updated confidence line, which I'm sure (if indeed that is the case) will be priced even higher, way out of my budget.

ANY honest opinions (or facts for that matter) are welcomed and thanks in advance!

dannispel: I am with you, owned both C4 and C2s originals and now C2 Platinums in Mocca finish. Depending on room size etc.. The C4 in my old house the bass was overbearing. Imaging was better and more detailed comparing the the two. I heard the newer Contours at several shows and liked them as well, but to me it was more of a sideways move then moving further up the chain in Dynaudio lineup and even then some time just because they are more expensive doesn't mean they will be better to your ears. The too tall of a soundstage is going to be room dependent of course and how close you sit to the speaker, these speakers are not near field that is for sure! Right now I have the Contour 20 and C2 Platinums. The C2 were the owner of Dynaudio favorite speaker before he sold the company off to the Chinese! 
I own a pair of Dynaudio Contour 30 that I connected to Sub 6 from the same manufacturer. A magical combination that will probably work very long for me and my ears. The source of music that plays everything wonderful is roon nucleus + McIntoch 8900 :)
I directly compared the Confidence C1 Platinum with the Contour 20.The C1 is a much better sounding speaker.It does not sound like a box and sounds much cleaner and more open and 3D and bass is much more accurateThe Contour 30 might be better than the Contour 20 but I doubt it will be as good as the C1.The C1 is just a really special sounding speaker.I also suspect the C1 is better than the C2 as long as your room suits them.

It is certainly true that the C1 is better than the Contour 20 and it may not be strange considering the price. But Contour 30 is clearly better than 20. I have also compared the C1 with what I have at home and which is in about the same price class. Then C1 appears a little thin and without any pressure at the bottom.
I think you will find that the Confidence speakers need  to be matched with very good sounding amplifiers to sound their best whereas the Contour line are more forgiving of lesser quality amplifiers -but at the price of having lower resolution .