Hello DB,
For best results, I seriously suggest you ignore Velodyne's recommendation of placing one HSG-15 near each main speaker and instead just position them where they sound best using the crawl method. They're probably catering to users who don't understand stereo deep bass is a myth with almost all music source material below about 80 Hz actually recorded as summed L+ R mono bass. It's best, therefore, to just run all subs in mono and position each where they'll sound best sequentially which will also be the same positions the four will sound best playing in unison as a whole DBA system.
To prevent moving the 2 HSG-15 heavy subs more than once, you could place one of the 10s at your listening seat, use the crawl method to determine the optimum position of the first two subs likely along your front wall and place the two HSG-15s at both of those positions instead of the HSG-10s. Then use the crawl method to optimally locate the remaining 2 HSG-10s as normal, which could be anywhere along the side walls or long the rear wall. This will result in the optimum bass response in your room for both 2-ch music and HT.
You can properly set up the master and slaves in the proper order and equalize them after the optimum positions are established.
For best results, I seriously suggest you ignore Velodyne's recommendation of placing one HSG-15 near each main speaker and instead just position them where they sound best using the crawl method. They're probably catering to users who don't understand stereo deep bass is a myth with almost all music source material below about 80 Hz actually recorded as summed L+ R mono bass. It's best, therefore, to just run all subs in mono and position each where they'll sound best sequentially which will also be the same positions the four will sound best playing in unison as a whole DBA system.
To prevent moving the 2 HSG-15 heavy subs more than once, you could place one of the 10s at your listening seat, use the crawl method to determine the optimum position of the first two subs likely along your front wall and place the two HSG-15s at both of those positions instead of the HSG-10s. Then use the crawl method to optimally locate the remaining 2 HSG-10s as normal, which could be anywhere along the side walls or long the rear wall. This will result in the optimum bass response in your room for both 2-ch music and HT.
You can properly set up the master and slaves in the proper order and equalize them after the optimum positions are established.