Bookshelf speakers for a NAD C368 integrated amp

Recently purchased a NAD C368/BluOS integrated amp and looking for bookshelf speakers that are a good match. Current speakers are Celestion SL6si that I have had for ~ 30 years which are acoustic suspension and very low sensitivity. 
Music listening ranges from the likes Mark Knopfler to Nora Jones, etc... I’m 69 and tired enough, so nothing too fatiguing but not too laid back. Any suggestions appreciated but no more then $1200. a pair.

Kef LS50. Assuming you have space and stands and not actual bookshelves.
For less money, look at the Klipsch RP600.

thanks. I do have some room restrictions and they would need to be no more then 12 in. from rear wall. The port is in the rear not sure if it matters, but will give a listen.
JM Reynaud Bliss Silver used here.  These are worth looking at for sure.  More efficient, front port and image like crazy.  Good reviews and meet your max budget limit.

Why waste money? Get the PSB Alpha 5's and a good TT/cartridge/LPs with the money saved! Only $349! Check out Atkinson's test and review in the October Stereophile.