Today i meet a friend and takes some stones with me trying to improve his audio system...It was a revelation but way more for me than for him... After placing some stones on top of his power strip, i hears some minor improvement, but not what i anticipate at all... Only some clear audible improvement to my ears, to him also, but not much the change i promise to deliver...(It was the same friend who liked a lot my audio system some weeks ago).
In my own system it takes me 1 year at least, placing one stone at a times, and experimenting with the best other stones to pair with it, after months introducing cables between them, and batteries, and finally Schuman Generator with stones cabled to this stones grid...Then hoping and promising for an astounding change just by throwing few stones on a big Monster power strip was perhaps naive of my part ... However in my audio system this stones grid is astoundingly audible and I know perfectly well the difference between introducing it or not, between before and after...
Morality: dont hope astounding improvement by just throwing a few stones for example on a power strip, or near some gear, like sometimes my discourse seems to suggest in this thread.... It takes minor change adding to many others minor change cumulating themselves after many months of experimenting in an astounding change...It takes times, experiments, and linking all the stones, this is not possible to makes that happens in a few hours... I think that i underestimated all the experimenting works that adding the stones implicate for a final astounding result...
Then all of you reading my assertive enthusiasm if you conclude that just adding some stones will be a great improvement, i must say to you it takes many, many experiments and minor changes, they are all cumulative, at the end...Hope for the best only if you play and experiment for more than one evening.... If you dont want bothering yourself with fun experiments on many months like myself, buy 5 ooo thousand bucks ready-made tweaks, they probably are on par with my tweaks and who knowns! perhaps better, and more easy to install.... Perhaps i was too enthusiast suggesting a miracle to happen in the first experiment...I forget all my long journey of minor changes till the end and speak only about my end result without realizing all the trials and errors along the way that were necessary to obtain all that...
I apologize to my reader for that...