SACD sounds better right???
all of my stuf flooded 4’ 4 days.
i have no money but I am replacing a headphone setup and I feel I must have in CD player SACD because it sounds much better, am I right?????? Help!!
The addition of a Mytek Brooklyn Bridge to my system did largely even the playing field between CD and SACD when I play stuff on my Sony XA5400ES, but I just put on a single layer Sony SACD of violinist Giuliano Carmignola doing late Vivaldi concertos and I gotta say I'm in audiophile heaven.
Over the past 4 years, 2015-2018, there were more than 700 new SACD releases worldwide for each of those years. Of course, the music released on most of those new SACD releases may not be to everyone’s musical taste. Still, that’s over 2,800 new SACD titles released in 4 years. In 2019, SACD's 20th year, as of today, approximately 525 new SACD titles have been released (including the imminent release of the 4 awaited Dire Straits titles on Mobile Fidelity). We’re very close to 14,000 SACD releases total worldwide since the format’s inception.
I have a Bryston DAC3, which has 4 HDMI inputs, and I have both a Sony XA5400ES and an Oppo 105 outputting DSD from SACD and PCM from Redbook.  I used to have a Mytek Manhatten in the same system.  The Manhattan and the Bryston are very different sounding, but both excellent.  I ultimately sold off the Mytek because I can only listen to one DAC at a time, but I know what you mean about Mytek narrowing the gap between CD and SACD replay.  I have some SACDS, however, that have an unbelievable “you are there” quality, particularly on the BIS and Channel Classic labels