Best Integrated, period.

Has anyone compared, Gryphon Diablo, Gamut Di150, Vitus SS101, Krell FBI, APL UA-S1 Jeff Rowland Continuum 500? Please add what you found to be best integrated.
I was wrong about the efficiency of the LSA1 Statements. It is not 93 db but 88 db.

Styxtrekr and others, presently only telephoning John Tucker or emailing can get you much information. A new and fully upgraded webpage will be released later this month.
I think the best integrated amp in the world depending on your system needs and personal taste would be one of the following; the Kondo Overture, Burmester 909 Mk5, Soulution 530 or Vitus SIA-025
I got a Teac AI2000 to replace my ARC VSi60...the Teac sounds more like a tube amp then the ARC...WHAT? Full bodied, refined and articulate with tube like dynamics and harmonic completeness...all for the price of an NAD.
I have had a few integrated amplifiers... and separates in the past. Rotel; McIntosh; Bel Canto; LFD; Sonneteer; Naim; and pending Hegel design.

The cost was too irresistable to pass up. I bought a Teac AI-1000 as I wait for my more "expensive gear" to arrive.

It might be the find of the decade.

More to follow....
I am still sticking to my guns and saying the Jadis CA-60 is the best integrated to date and likely not to be eclipsed.