Zu Omen or Tekton Lore

Best floorstanders under $999 for low power SET amp?

I've had good luck with Silnote Reference IIs, Alpha Core Silver Saphine and home-brew Cardas as recommended by Jeff Day. For speaker, been using PS Audio Statement, Kimber 8TC (older blue black variety) or Alpha Core Silver AG-1 Centerstage, and a home brew again via Jeff Day called White Lighting (sounds close to top line Cardas).
Hi all ! I agree with Mikirob , mine sound wonderful with 50 watts of triode from the Cary V12 ....no harshness at all with any recordings . I did get one of my Paramount monoblocks completed and hooked up one channel...lets just say I am very sure it will take my system to a whole new level when I finish the other one . Maybe a darker sounding cable will get you to where you need to be?
Cables make very small changes,This change needs to happen at the capacitors.I ordered Clarity Cap ESA as with their SA caps they are ruler flat and don't favor upper mids and highs.
Goraman, it seems you are the only one that is complaining about sibilance. It seems that there may be something upstream that is causing the problem.
I also disagree with the fact that cables make a small difference. Cables could be your problem. I wonder how you came to the conclusion that caps are the problem.
I never had sibilance with my lores at all, the only time I've ever had a sibilance problem in the past was when I changed out cables or power cords.

JW Audio
Read a little up stream,I have used the same configuration with several pairs of speakers and had no sibilance.
I was fortunate a few years ago to be able to compare some of the most expensive cables of the time and even Audio Note Sogon made only a subtle difference at best and the gear used was worth more than my house several times over.
It is funny that using lab grade test equipment has never measured a difference in the frequency response from one interconnect or another as long as they are constructed correctly.And if you can show me different i'm open but interconnects and power cords are not magic wires.
Although I have all silver in teflon speaker cables,inter connects and PS audio 8 and 10 Awg. power cords.
Capacitors do however make a measurable difference up to a couple of DB. in some frequencys. I will not go into an endless cable debate.Sibilance lives in the 8khz. range and if the big new cap I put in peeks in the upper mids where the tweeter peeks to 101.5 db. output around 8khz. I very well could be over 103db! at a very sensitive frequency.
I am pretty sure of the problem and I'm just awaiting parts.
Did you look at the graph of the tweeter response?
If no one else has sharp SSS and TTT it would almost be a act of God looking at the steep climb of the tweeter it's self.The caps used nearly need to have a recessed upper mid range just to control the top end of the female voice.
Eric did a great job of balancing this tight rope but upgrading caps can upset the apple cart.
I would leave the Lores alone unless you are willing to stay in it for the long run.There is more detail to be found in the top end (sizzle) but the proper balance is critical and may not be cheap.I am willing to roll as menny caps as it takes.
I am all ready upgrading resistors,Mills and possibly Mundorf,Audison internal cable ect...