Zu Omen or Tekton Lore

Best floorstanders under $999 for low power SET amp?

I agree John,
No sibilance at all with the Lores or Pendragons in my system. They are the least fatiguing speakers I have ever owned or heard and I have a very sensitive ear due to Tinnitus.
It has taken me a while to understand the concept of synergy, which in my mind means that as I change one component, I.e. speakers I may have to change the associated cables, amp, Pre amp etc to maximize the end result, which for me is that golden magical moment. It has nothing to do with a measurement for me, but just trusting my own hearing and a lot, I mean a lot of trial and error.
I too have never put much effort into my cables, but am now opening up to that possibility. I have nice quality cables now, but I have not A/B tested any in the past. However with highly sensitive speakers, and in a 100 year old Victorian building, I have found power conditioning to be of the utmost importance. I use an UberBuss and love it. I have also spent a lot of time, energy and money to match amp, Pre-amp, and DAC with my room and my speakers. There are so many variables in any system that the tweaks are limitless! From speaker positioning, to cables, etc. etc....
I am curious about the effects of Capacitor changes on the Tektons, and I even discussed options with Eric as he was building a pair for me, but I decided to wait due to the cost, and in the end I did not feel the need to change anything.
One of the problems was due to my positioning,I tipped them back,Eric said that would spike the tweeter by as much as 3 db. After leveling them it helped alot.
The other issue is with a bright pair of caps soon to be swapped. I am not blaming anyone for the sibilance and I'm surprised no one else has made a capacitor upgrade and chased these issues already. My advise would be to use very neutral caps Clarity cap,Ansar,Daton,Solon as any peak in the upper mids creates a problem.
Wow! since leveling them and letting them run in some more from sun up to sun down over the weekend and for 2 hours I ran the volume at 12:00! somewhere around 10 watts!
Suddenly the high end went flat so I removed the resistor I added to the tweeter to drop the spike by 2 db. and still no glare,seems the new caps smoothed out and the sibilance just vanished as fast as it came.They got another 38 hours just since last week end of break in time.So now I have more caps coming,they can just sit,no more cap rolling!
All I am going to do now is go in and remove the Xovers and clean everything up,replace the resistors with Mills non inductance and there done!
In the end it will all be worth the trouble but one piece of advice is be very careful to select neutral capacitors and give them some time to smooth out. Mine took close to 90 hours.
Funny thing is when I first put them in no sibilance but they went through a 50 hour or so stage where you couldn't stand them,I seriously hope this is it and they are done with no more surprises! This is the most radical burn in I have ever encountered,although I did have a similar issue with clarity cap SA a few years back as they lost the top end for a while and suddenly it emerged after a couple weeks of use. So I guess I shouldn't be to shocked.
Im following your posts quite closely Goraman.
I too find the Lore's a bit like you have explained.
Please keep us updated with your progress.
I have sent off an email to Eric(before I read your posts) asking if he had any tips/mods I could perform to tame the Lores a bit.
I am finding them a little forward/agressive at times. Not sure if that is the terms for it.
I find if I turn them up a bit, I seem to always be looking to adjust the volume all the time.
Love the bass and midrange but something about them has me swapping them out for another set of speakers I have here.
Its long term listening sessions that they don't quite do well with me.