Schiit Aegir power amplifier low power Class-A linear amp Stereophile review

Here is the Stereophile review done on the Class-A Aegir.
Seems to be one great little amp for efficient speakers for $799.

Would also be great for the mids and highs on a bi-amp-able speaker with a $699 Schiit Vidar on the bass.

Cheers George
the Stereophile article bumping the Aegir to "class A" got my attention and perhaps saved me 4 grand...I haven't pulled the trigger on an Aegir yet but I might soon as it just seems like a lot of fun for relatively small bucks.
I love Schiit and what they are doing.

Schiit are usually on the marketing mark, but missed one big opportunity to dominate the market with harder to drive bigger bi-amp'able speakers.

Cheers George

I've also been happily pleased with my Schiit gear and with the price of their gear flying in the face of everyone else just makes me smile. I love great sounding gear that normal people can afford. 

I’ve also been happily pleased with my Schiit gear and with the price of their gear flying in the face of everyone else just makes me smile.

Yeah, it’s good stuff, without the "million dollar external gilding" that sucks so many "glitz queens" into paying 10 x what they should. Just so they can gaze in amazement at their purchases while "trying" to listen to music. "Dam! I should have been a poet" look out Leonard.

Cheers George
I just ordered the new Freya+. Why? Because Mike mentioned that they are almost sold out AGAIN, and I, in righteous indignation snapped one up before they are gone and I have to wait another few weeks to only put it off again and then regret it. Uh, I think there’s something odd with my thought process there, but trust me, I’m happy! :)

I'm pretty sure that the Aegir is not for me as I don't have efficient speakers, but if I ever do...

Aegirs are currently back ordered a couple of weeks, so more user reviews should be raining down shortly as it seems there's going to be a lot of those amps floating around.