Zu Omen or Tekton Lore

Best floorstanders under $999 for low power SET amp?

I have spent more on cables over the last ten years than I am ever willing to cop too.
Let's just say I wish I had all that money back.
The cables I have now are not a cheap date but not $3,300 for a meter ether.But sounded 99.9% like them.In fact it was nearly impossible with most recordings to tell the two apart A B testing on an Audio Note U.K.single ended rig.
So I'm not eager to buy something I will more than likely
chuck in one of my pile o audio plastic bins.
No disrespect,I just don't feel the need to resurface an all ready smooth road.I can say I like solid core Silver or copper over stranded anything with only one exception.
I am using the same cables as Stevie Nicks and Pat Boon.
There doing just fine with the Lores.

Goraman: thanks for posting your thoughts and experience! I'm quite interested as I inquired with Eric about upgrading my Pendragons to better caps before shipment. However, I decided to delay my gratification a bit so to speak so that I can later appreciate the improvement:).

Would you mind sharing a few things: which caps did you like the best and what size are they? How do you change out the resistors in the crossover?

And which cables are you using btw?

Thanks for the 411.

GPowered: which cables are you using?
Keep in mind it is never a good Idea to use all the same manufacture capacitors in the same crossover.A common mistake.
More over it becomes a bigger problem yet when you run the same capacitors in parallel or in series as each cap make and modle has it's own sonic signature. Some caps are very detailed and etched some caps are just plain smooth,some may lack bass or be slightly rolled off at the top.Put any two of the same together and everything both good and bad can be exaggerated.The capacetor list for the Lores are Clarity Cap ESA, Obbligato Gold and Ansar SPA with silver leads.
All the caps I used are very large.You change out resisters just like caps I used Mills 12 watt but Mundorfs are great too if the values match.I also used Audison 14 AWG.Silver 214 and Sonus 214 from Italy for internal wire.
I hope this helps you,but if you are not sure what you are doing buy the parts you want and let Eric build your cross over using them as the man is good at laying things out nicely and his solder joints are well flowed and twisted together like hell man!
It is easier to copy his crossover on a new larger board from scratch than taking his apart in one piece and rebuilding it.And give break in some time,count the hours on a kitchen timer or stop watch. Best of luck!
Which cables am I using?


The very cables in the picture are one of my several pairs.
So, I know this is off the current topic, but the OP asks about the better speaker for SET's, yet I'm sure I read somewhere--either in this thread or one of the Lore reviews--that Eric recommends at least 20 watts for the Lores. Has anyone found that using low watt SET's with the Lore's provides poor results? There aren't many real-world affordable SET's that go above 8 watts or so.

Kinda bummed because I was looking forward to pairing the Lores with the new model Decware Zen Triode integrated that's supposed to come out this Spring.

Thanks for your thoughts.