Tubes or not

Currenty I have a Wadia Di22 . I'm thinking of replacing it with a tube dac. I'm tube upstream . I'm afraid a tube DAC will bust the bank for the improvement I would hear. I don't want to replace it because it's not tube. I think I I can get a better non tube DAC for the price of a good tube DAC if you don't have an idea that is less than $1500 don't ask me about my equipment. That's a quick filter on multiple levels. I just want to squeeze as much as I can from the signal as I can for best price.98% of the other time vinyl is playong
I'm not interested in a lateral move. I have multiple Richard Gray power conditioners in my system. I live in New Orleans we have multiple issues with clean power and water in the city. I'm not looking to spend $3k+ for a new or used DAC. I'm going to look into the ones that have been mentioned. Many I'm not familiar with which is why I asked the question. I'm not trying to correct anything or fix the treble. I just want to be able to hear an audible improvement if i go with a new dac that doesn't cost a few thousand.  I like tubes. I like the sound of tubes and I like rolling tubes but maybe at my price point that's not the way to go. That's why I asked. Red herrings like PC, cables and other hardware just opens a bottomless pit. What file formats I listen to and what inputs I need are more legitimate questions. I need the standard inputs. 2 coax and 2 toslink along with a USB would be ideal. I have most HD file formats including DSD. So it has to handle DSD also.
Any mhdt tube DAC (NOS) should fit the bill of providing a sound different than your current DAC that you might like better.

I use a mhdt Constantine (SS DAC) still in my main system.  It's been there happily for several years.   

I had both that and mhdt Paradisea tube DAC at first.  If the newer mhdt tube DACs are like the Paradisea, they will respond greatly to tube rolling which will give you a new way to perhaps tune the sound as desired.
Given your stated budget and your requirement for DSD, the Audio Mirror would be a fine place to start in the tubed dac world. Even though I am not personally a fan of Chord or the Chord Qutest, many people are and it does DSD.

As an aside, I prefer everything that's been mentioned above to your existing dac. No intention whatsoever to offend anyone but the Wadia you have was a long way qualitatively from the old Wadia or the sound being achieved these days by many manufacturers. You should experience considerable improvements from this upgrade. It is unlikely though that you will get the quantity of inputs you mention above. Most dacs dont offer 2 toslinks, et al. Thats the specialty of A/V amps.
I have owned a lot of dacs and recently sold my very good $6k 
PS audio dac, for the Latest Tube dac from Lampizator 
the Amber-3. It is very natural and detailed ,just go to Enjoy the .look it up the review was 5 stars across the board for sonics, you can better it still witha top 3.1 amp fuse, and 
upgrade the 6x5 rectifier tube to the great Bendix and 1 12au7 tube to a Top NOS tube like an Amperex PQ the ecc99 is good , and a good power cord  that is all for $2750 for sonic realism 
nothing better even at 2x the price ,and has a 14 day  return policy. Every one is built and tested in Poland ,distributor is here in NY, read the review then check it out.

If you really want a tube dac I would second the Orchid. However if you have a tube pre or power amp the Pure Audio Lotus 5 beats the lot and you can probably get Wally at Underwood Hi Fi to sell for $1599 and maybe less.