Sturdy Turntable Stand

I am looking for a very sturdy turntable rack or stand, preferably with a couple shelves below the turntable top shelf. I've seen a couple expensive ones. Any solid ideas that don't cost $3K or more?
sleepstalker, yes, Dorian is very stable. Unlike yourself. Are you happy to see me or is that a 🍌 in your pocket?
geof.....not in my experience.  Some turntables need a lightweight support (Linn), some need a solid support to the center of the Earth. (VPI).  They all make a difference.
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I use a heavy wood console unit. It sits on a concrete slab in the lower level in my house. You can jump up and down on the floor anywhere and not hear rumble in the TT. Banging on the wood console top produces very little that the TT picks up. That’s why I don’t understand how seismic vibrations can be an issue in home audio. How does the fact that some rare scientific measurements can detect it mean a home audio system is negatively impacted by it? Can your amp or speakers reproduce it? I’m fairly certain mine can’t.  If this is related to a turntable, can any cartridge detect it if it’s present? If this vibration can be picked up by the cartridge, is amplifier power wasted trying to produce it? Is that the issue? It seems like there is a built in ability to reject this noise if a home audio system is incapable or reproducing it.  It seems to me that energy that is so far below a humans ability to hear Is unlikely to be impacting performance. Can anyone explain what the movement of the earths crust is doing to my audio rig that prevents it from performing at its best? It would be hard to comparison test a spring suspension/isolation approach vs the rigid approach. So trying this at my home unfortunately just isn’t likely.Â