A little bit off-topic but I'd like to take a minute to congratulate Socrates7 for being tapped by Tone Audio to cover the New York Audio Show in April.
In case you haven't read it yet, Socrates7 has written up a very nice review on his blog of the Pendragons, some of which he has reproduced earlier in this thread. You can find his musings here:
Part One: Introducing the Tekton Pendragon “Option II and
Part II: Digging in to the Tekton Pendragon
In case you haven't read it yet, Socrates7 has written up a very nice review on his blog of the Pendragons, some of which he has reproduced earlier in this thread. You can find his musings here:
Part One: Introducing the Tekton Pendragon “Option II and
Part II: Digging in to the Tekton Pendragon