Zu Omen or Tekton Lore

Best floorstanders under $999 for low power SET amp?

Hey Rischa, glad to hear you're giving them a go. I don't think you'll be disappointed. A word of advice to make sure and mess with placement a good bit. They sounded great to me out of the box and without toying with placement to a great degree, but I have found great additional refinement in finding the right placement for my room acoustics and seating position. Bass weight, soundstage depth, and to some extent high frequency balance can all be affected significantly by movement. Close to front wall and you'll get a lot of bass, farther out into the room, not nearly as much weight. Soundstage depth is remarkably improved by moving them out into the room. And most critically for me, the whole presentation just became a lot more natural, spacious, and refined when I tipped them up a bit with some wood under the front spikes. I went many months without that tweak and was shocked when I first heard it.

Apologies if you're already very familiar with positioning tweaks and how to get the best sound. Just thought it was worth repeating in case, and also for the benefit of others.
Hi Goraman....where are you located? I would love to hear the improvements that you made with your Lores. Wanna email me?
Morganic I don't know how to find your email address on this forum mine is goraman@surewest.net
Does anybody in the Dallas-Fort Worth area own the Tekton Lore or any other of the Tekton speakers being discussed in this thread? I would love to listen to any of them before I make a purchase decision and certainly would appreciate the chance of an audition from a kind fellow audiophile.
02-12-12: Yoseana
Does anybody in the Dallas-Fort Worth area own the Tekton Lore or any other of the Tekton speakers being discussed in this thread?"

North of Austin, I have Lores and Katz Meow V1