sellers trying to sell used product for 10-20% off of list price

I don’t get it. Almost any item here can be bought brand new from a dealer with a full warranty for 20% off - virtually any and all high end product. Some can be bought for close to 30% percent off. Sellers trying to sell year old product for 20% off are delusional, perhaps hoping for someone to naively buy it at their price but I doubt it happens. If the product isn’t in the range of 40-50% off of MSRP I'm not sure why anyone would buy it as often the warranty doesn’t transfer. Factor in sellers asking for 5-6% extra for Paypal plus shipping charges and even a 30% percent discount really is more like 15% off of list- a non starter. Am I the only one doing this math  ?  I can buy brand new at 25-30% with no extra charge for using paypal or my credit card and minimal shipping. Asking for a friend lol.
I agree with Roxie.

Selling an item less than a month old doesn't warrant 50%.  If they don't like buying something practically new then let them go to a dealer and pay for it.
Don't like the asking price ?  Either make an offer, or ignore the listing.   Instead you take the time to post about your displeasure.  Why are you wasting your time ?
" never heard of Harvey Electronics, Meyer Emco, Pc Richard, The Wiz, Sam Goody ? There’s another handful too..."

Sorry, all were mid-fi, at best and none were only "9-store" chains.

The Sound Mill, in Mount Kisco, NY. THAT was a high-end store.
I do not buy or sell on Audiogon, as I live in Canada. I do buy and sell on Canuck Audio Mart though, and have noticed a spiraling trend lately. I used to always list my gear at what I considered a reasonable resale price. Most of the time I would get, or close to my asking price. These days though, I find that lowballing is the norm. I tend to get ridiculous offers that I do not bother responding to. So now I tend to advertise at a price point that is too high, and negotiate down from there.  
We have entered an age of marketing in which every seller expects that the buyer will offer them 25%-30% lower than the posted price. So they jack up the price to ridiculous number and when they drop down to a reasonable price the customer is supposed to think he got a bargain. Its not just here. Go into  retail store. Everything is on sale with 25%, 30. 40% off. Its not really a sale nor is the MSRP the real price. But everyone loves a bargain. So you play the game. Look at the advertised msrp.  Most of the time its exorbitant. No one would pay that price. But when you get the 25-30% off you can brag about how good a deal you got on that Item.